What is Google authorship markup? How to set up Google authorship?
Google has decided to filter the best bloggers from millions available online through their Google authorship program. Via this program, Google will know who writes the content and who the author of that blog is. Google shows picture of the author in their search results.So do you ever wonder why some bloggers’ pictures are appear in Google’s search results? How had they done that? And how can you also do that?
You can also do that by simply setting up Google Authorship Markup. This will show your picture in Google’s search results. This is called “Rich Snippet”.
Image Of Rich Snippet Having Photo In Google Search Results
Google authorship markup with image appear in search results (rich snippet) make you stand out from millions of other authors. Doesn’t it?
Just by adding rel=”author” tag and linking your content to Google+ profile, you can also take advantage of Google authorship in search rankings.
Have you set up Google authorship markup? Does your image appear in Google search results pages?
If your answer is NO, Let’s see what you’re missing by not having your photo in Google SERPs.
Advantages of setting up Google authorship
- You will get higher visibility.
- You will gain more trust.
- Click Through Rate (CTR) will be increase.
- Higher rankings in Google search results.
- Distinguish you from other non verified Google authorship blogs.
- You can get more followers on Google+.
- Your readers can easily find your other content on the web.
How to set up Google authorship markup and get your photo in Google search results
There are many blog posts available on how to set up Google authorship for your blog but I decided to write a detailed in depth tutorial to get your image show in Google search results. So you don’t have to look around anymore.There are two methods for setting up Google authorship markup
Method 1: Link your blog content to your Google+ profile by using verified email address
It is very easy method to follow. Just you need to have an email address on the same domain name as your content.Note: If you do not have an email address on same domain as your content, please follow method 2 for setting up Google authorship.
You must have an email address on the same domain name as your content. For ex. name@domain.com
On each articles you published on your blog on that domain have clear by line identifying you as an author. For ex. “By Veer Modi” or “Author: Veer Modi”. Make sure your by line author name must match the name as displayed on your Google+ profile.
Ok. Now visit this Google Authorship page link and submit this email address there (See image Below). This will add your email address to the ‘work’ section and your domain name to ‘contributor to’ section. You can set visibility for your email and domain thereafter.
Finally sign in to your email account and click on the verification link sent by Google.
That’s it! You’ve all done. No matter how many posts or articles you write, you have to do it only once.
Now you have successfully set up Google authorship markup for your wordpress blog. Google is showing your Google+ profile photo/picture in Google search results pages.
If you don’t have an email address to the same domain as your content or you don’t want to verify your email address, you can set up Google authorship markup by using the following method.
Method 2: Link your blog content to Google+ profile to set up Google authorship
Step 1: Make a link to your Google+ profile from your webpage, like below:<a href="https://plus.google.com/104889002212053060622?rel=author">Google</a>
Replace highlighted link with your Google+ profile link. And yes, do not forget to add ?rel=author parameter, otherwise Google will not associate your webpage to your Google+ profile.
For ease, I recommend you to add this link in your AUTHOR BIO section.
Step 2: You’ve created a link from your content to google+ profile, now you’ve to create a link back from your Google+ profile to your webpage to get your photo appear in Google search results pages.
Go to your profile’s contributor to section and click on ‘ADD CUSTOM LINK’. Add you website URL in that field. Click SAVE.
Link To Your Blog From Google+ Profile
That’s it! You’ve all done. Now you have successfully set up Google authorship markup for your wordpress blog. Google is showing your Google+ profile image in Google search results pages.You can check what author data Google can extract from your webpage, use structured data testing tool. Click here to see Google authorship markup is working fine for your blog or not. Whether your photo appear in Google search results or not?
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